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Digital Photography’s Relevance Challenge…A Call to Arms

  1. January 14, 2010 at 10:49 am

    Thank you Scott for lots of food for thought on the subject.

    Imaging was so easy when it was so limited: Cameras did one thing – they exposed film. Film did one thing – it produced prints. Prints did few things – they were collected in albums, shoeboxes, locker doors, wallets, and the lucky few were hung on the wall to be shared.

    With digital, images were released into the wild (for those that could properly use the technology) and now show up in any of the many forms represented on slide 17: Maybe they are prints, maybe they are web albums, maybe they are slideshows – the possibilities have expanded geometrically. The problem is how to make them available instantly to ALL of these forms, and how do we make money in the process. How do we store-once and use-everywhere without sticking the storer with the bill? How do we create an open standard from a company that developers trust (that does not have a history of embrace-extend-extinguish) that is extensible, robust, simple, and can be kept relevant as technology grows? Can the industry as a whole develop standards, or should we look to one smart benevolent dictator to drive, and who should that be?

    I look forward to your next slideshow – I hope to get your insight on some of these questions.

    Chris Kohanek
    Chief Solutions Architect
    BonoLux Solutions LLC

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